
salam sume :)

erm arini aku nak cite serba ciket pasal kehidupan 3dr year..

overall rilek nk giler,,x tensen,,ok ok jer,,,huhu,,
subjek blaja taun ni pon seket jew,..3..

so aku kenalkan korg ngn subjek 3rd year ni..
  • ophthalmology- berkaitan ngn mata
  • ENT- ear,nose, throat - telinge,hidung ngn tekak,,
  • community medicine-subjek ni plg aku x suke,,hahahahaha...

ni adelah teks book yg kitorg gune kat sini...:P

kitorg klas start kol 7.45 pg,, awl kan?..huhu
so mmg x plik kalo 'termiss' klas sbb bgn lwt,,hohoho.
tp yg mornig klas bkn blja subjek 3rd year.. 
pg2 kitorg blja yg subjek final year,, sengal kan?..
nk wat cmne mmg diorg nye jadual cmtu, kite as student ikot joh la...:)

then, lpas morning klas, ade clinics plak..
kliniks ni maksudnyer korg kene g hospital n blaja di sana  according in which posting u r in..
currently, aku kat paeds @ pedo@ name penuhnyer paediatrics ward,,,
dah dkt sebulan aku kat ward ni,,
next week aku posting ophthal plak,,,huhu,,, will miss children there,, :(

jom ikot aku ke hospital...
nila hospital kitorg,, KLE prabakar kore HOSPT..

jom kite masok dlam plak,, :P,,weee
welcome to paediatrics OPD

OPD tu maksud die outpatient department..
kat sini patient akan dtg n jumpe doktor untuk consultatiom..
tpkitorg dtg sini tok attendance kedatangan..
lam kol 9,30 camtu kitorg naik tingkat 3ke ward,, jom2..
ni la ward die,,, besar n luas..

 masok2 jer ward korg akan jumpe mini playground..
kiut kan?... rase cam nk main jer.. kalo nk kene detained xm cube lah korg main,hahhaha..

kat ward ni la kitorg blaja case2 yg berkaitan nngn budak2,, dr baru lhr hinggelle yg remaja..
mcm2 penyakit ade,,,huhuhu
kitorg kene examine patient n present that case,,
yestrday was my presentation-about nephrotic syndrome..
budak tu baru jer 7 taun,, ciyan die :(

lam bilik ni kitorg punyer klas,, weee  :0

blk dr klinik kol 12..kadang2 kalo ade lec yg ckp byk adella lg sejam kene tggu.. huhu.

introduce to you all,, my pren,, tommy,,

ari2 blk ngn die kalo bike aku masok 'klinik' jugak,,huhuhu..

sekian saje cite sy arini,, c ya,, :)

photographer- TOMMY TKY :)